Minister Mitchell O’Connor launches InterTradeIreland’s Brexit Advisory Service
A dedicated InterTradeIreland advice service aimed at helping SMEs navigate the challenges of Brexit was unveiled today by Mary Mitchell...
Final Call for entries to €280,000 Seedcorn investor readiness competition
InterTradeIreland is calling all start-ups and early stage companies across the island to enter the Seedcorn Investor Readiness Competition before the deadline.
US-Ireland Research and Development Partnership Call in Agriculture 2017
The 2017 US-Ireland Research and Development (R&D) Partnership Call in Agriculture is now open for applications in the following three priority areas.
The InterTradeIreland Seedcorn competition launches for 2017
Early and new start companies across Ireland are encouraged to enter the 15th annual Seedcorn Investor Readiness Competition to be in with a chance of...
Business angels to invest €85M in 264 Irish start-ups by 2022
HBAN (Halo Business Angel Network) today announces its five-year business angel outlook that predicts business angels will invest €85 million in 250 high...
InterTradeIreland Venture Capital Conference 2017
InterTradeIreland’s 2017 Venture Capital Conference was held in The Ballsbridge Hotel in Dublin this week.
HBAN angels invested €13.6m in 50 Irish start-ups in 2016
HBAN (Halo Business Angel Network), the all-island group responsible for the promotion of business angel investment in Ireland, today announces that business...
Business Monitor reveals strong economy facing potentially challenging times
The latest quarterly (September - December 2016) InterTradeIreland Business Monitor Report issued today shows business are moving into challenging times from...
Ken Nelson Appointed Chairman of InterTradeIreland
Northern Ireland businessman, Ken Nelson, has been appointed as chairman of InterTradeIreland by the North South Ministerial Council.
Leading Industries recognised as an Exemplars of Innovation
Five companies from across the island were awarded ‘Exemplar’ status by InterTradeIreland at a prestigious event held in Carton House in Maynooth yesterday.
Cross Border Business Support Expo 2017
Are you in business and want to know about the support you can obtain? What business grants you can apply for? Which funded programmes will help you grow?
€16.6 million of EU Funding set to transform Cross Border Business Research
Approximately €16.6m has been offered under the EU’s INTERREG VA Programme to develop the Research & Innovation capacity of over 1,400 SMEs on a cross-border...
Dublin biotech firm Valitacell wins InterTradeIreland Seedcorn Competition
Dublin biotech company, Valitacell, was crowned the overall winner of the 14th annual InterTradeIreland Seedcorn competition which is the island’s biggest...
ITI Business Monitor reveals continued uncertainty following Brexit
The latest quarterly Business Monitor Report (July – September 2016) released today by InterTradeIreland paints a mixed economic picture that reflects...
Belfast Companies announced as regional winners in Seedcorn competition
Belfast-based companies, Yedup Ltd and Liopa Ltd, were today named the best new start and best early stage companies respectively at the regional final.

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