19 Jul 2024Q&A with Dr Lawrence Dooley, on the benefits of the Thrive – SME Innovation Programme
Dr Lawrence Dooley Senior Lecturer in Enterprise and Innovation at University College Cork. Dr Lawrence Dooley answers some critical questions and discusses the opportunities companies can avail of by participating in the Thrive - SME Innovation programme.
23 Jan 2023Navigating your business in 2023: four things to know
With a great deal of uncertainty in the wider economy, here are four things for your business to keep in mind to have a solid strategy in place for 2023 and beyond.
9 Sept 2022Benefits of Digitalisation for SMEs
In today’s dynamic business environment there is no doubt that the demand for SMEs to adopt digital technologies is ever-increasing. Pressure from competitors, suppliers, and indeed customers exist, all demanding changes in how SMEs deliver their goods and services. So where does such a journey begin for companies in Ireland and Northern Ireland and is it worth it?
10 Jun 2022What’s new in Public Procurement and how will it affect SMEs
The all-island public procurement market is undergoing some important changes, companies who are considering bidding for public sector contracts will need to be aware of these changes in order to stay competitive.
11 May 2022What makes a good management team?
In this month's blog, Connor Sweeney, InterTradeIreland’s Seedcorn Programme Manager, discusses why having a sound management team in place is essential for your start-up to succeed.
12 Apr 2022Start-up Financing - Implications of the Pricing/Product/Service mix
InterTradeIreland’s Lead Equity Advisor, Drew O’Sullivan shares some valuable insights into why decisions on pricing, margins and cash flow generative models need to be carefully considered before seeking investment.
8 Mar 2022International Women's Day 2022 - Q&A with Shana Chu, CEO of Tailr
To celebrate International Women's Day 2022 we spoke to Shana Chu, CEO of Tailr about her company, the InterTradeIreland Seedcorn process and advice for aspiring female entrepreneurs.
3 Mar 2022When fundraising, what do you want an investor to remember from your pitch?
Gaining investment isn’t always easy, it can be a long and competitive process, but one that is worth the wait.
11 Feb 2022How innovation and collaborative partnerships can mean success for your business in 2022
Effective collaboration offers the facilitation and transfer of crucial skills, knowledge, expertise and supports growth capability.
17 Jan 2022How to increase your chances of funding in 2022
What are your business goals in 2022? If raising funds is high on your list, then there are a couple of things you can do to increase your chances.
9 Dec 2021Leveraging business model innovation
Business Model Innovation is a misunderstood term but one with huge potential. To achieve business model innovation you must first understand what a business model is. Put simply, a Business Model is a blueprint of how a company creates and captures value.
2 Dec 2021As the New Year dawns, here’s how businesses can get a head start in 2022
2022 will bring both challenges and opportunities and in order to succeed, firms should arm themselves with knowledge of upcoming ‘key trends’.
3 Nov 2021The necessity of networking and collaboration in today’s world
The need for networking has probably never been greater but after over a year of limited contact, people may find it more difficult than ever before.
4 Oct 20215 tips to optimise your website for eCommerce success
Here are five fundamental tips that you can use to optimise your eCommerce store for success.
15 Sept 2021SMEs are tendering and winning more contracts in the public sector than ever before – here’s how to join them
Opportunity for public procurement on the island of Ireland is currently valued in excess of £11bn/€13bn per annum, with £7.6bn/€9bn in Ireland, and approximately £3.5bn/€4bn in Northern Ireland.
17 Aug 2021Here’s why hiring a new Project Manager is a serious investment in your innovation
When exploring innovation, don’t just think in terms of products and services, think about people.
9 Jul 2021Cross-border trade is vital to economic recovery. It should be part of your business growth strategy too
Cross-border trade is a significant slice of the economy – if you need any persuasion the numbers speak for themselves.
10 Jun 2021Professor Alan Ahearne - Opportunities for SMEs that are ready to adapt
Professor Alan Ahearne, Director of the Whitaker Institute at NUIG, advises on the opportunities for SMEs that are ready to adapt after Covid19.
4 May 2021Take the first step towards becoming investor ready
Gaining finance for your business isn’t always easy, but there are some steps you can take to help.
12 Apr 2021Does collaboration matter to your business?
Collaboration is a powerful tool for those looking to support business recovery. Effective collaboration offers the facilitation and transfer of crucial skills, knowledge expertise and supports growth capability.
4 Mar 202110 tips to help you tender successfully for public sector contracts
The all-island public procurement market represents significant opportunities for small organisations to increase their sales and win steady business. Here are some useful tips to help you find tendering success.
1 Feb 2021Invest in your company’s success
Find out how you can invest in your company’s success and gain investment this year.
28 Jan 2021Jamie Heaslip - How to seek out business opportunities and weather a crisis
Jamie Heaslip shares his advice on how to seek out business opportunities.
28 Jan 2021Professor Oliver Gassmann - Business model innovation for post-crisis growth
Innovation management expert and author of the bestselling book, ‘The Business Model Navigator’, Professor Oliver Gassman's short-term and long-term solutions for SMEs’ survival and post-crisis growth.
11 Jan 2021Top New Year’s resolutions for business success in 2021
New Year’s resolutions for business success in 2021.
15 Dec 2020Helping cross-border traders prepare for Brexit
Five essential steps businesses can take now to prepare for Brexit.
16 Nov 2020How to get more business from Google search
Get some useful tips to help boost your company's ranking in Google Search and win new business
21 Sept 2020How social media can help your business stay ahead of the curve
Tips for social media for business owners who want to adapt and catch the next wave of social media.
20 Jul 2020How selling online can help boost your sales
How selling online can help boost your sales
15 Jun 2020Embracing digital for the first time – tips for businesses
Embracing digital for the first time – tips for businesses
19 May 2020How to get your business plan investor-ready
How to get your business plan investor-ready
12 Mar 2020Meet Innovation Strategist Karen McCallion
Karen McCallion InterTradeIreland
6 Mar 2020Meet one of the #inspirational women that work in InterTradeIreland
Meet one of the #inspirational women that work in InterTradeIreland
17 Feb 2020Henry Joseph-Grant’s six rules of scaling success
Henry Joseph-Grant’s six rules of scaling success
21 Jan 2020Ten tips to help small businesses export to success
Ten tips to help small businesses export to success
10 Dec 2019A year in the life of Seedcorn
Seedcorn Investor Readiness Competition
18 Nov 2019Innovation is key in addressing the challenges Brexit may bring
Although the UK/Ireland relationships post-Brexit are currently unknown, businesses should be proactive. Continued innovation is vital for firms to stand out
21 Oct 2019Growth, risks and opportunities
InterTradeIreland set to mark 20 years of assisting small firms to explore cross-border business on the island of Ireland
11 Sept 2019Small companies adapt faster
Professor Wim Vanhaverbeke examines how small companies are embracing the global trend towards Open Innovation
2 Jul 2019Summer best time to invest in innovation
Innovation is key for your business - how InterTradeIreland's Innovation Boost programme can help
13 Jun 2019Do you need help with your H2020 proposal?
We can help you with your H2020 proposal
31 May 2019Sink or Swim
If you're a graduate, this might help you find a job.
24 Apr 2019Meath Delany Performance Feeds - Preparing for Brexit
case study featuring Delany performance feeds and how they are preparing for brexit
10 Apr 2019The power of open innovation
open innovation can help your business thrive
27 Mar 2019How innovative is your organisation?
Innovation expert Professor John Bessant delivered a Lecture & Masterclass on "The Innovation Imperative" addressing the fundamentals of innovation.
11 Mar 2019Access to finance improving on the island
SME looking for investment - opportunities are stronger now than ever
14 Feb 2019Is Scaling Up Harder Than Starting Up?
Growth can be painful but there are ways to plan to scale
4 Jan 2019Why don't more construction SMEs tender for public sector contracts?
Why SMEs should tender for public sector contracts
28 Nov 2018Why we are living in the age of the new customer
If you can't segment your customers, you can't be customer centric
6 Nov 2018Put it in the Diary - The Solution to The Innovation Paradox
I always start an executive workshop the same way. I ask the execs in the room to raise their hand if they think “innovation” in their business has significant
1 Nov 2018Social Media Marketing: Building Customer Relationships for SMEs
An overview of Social Media Marketing and building Customer Relationships for SMEs
15 Oct 2018Brexit is like the Millennium Bug
So, who knows what will happen after Brexit? Answer - nobody. Where there is uncertainty people will fill the fact vacuum with opinions and views of such wide d
4 Oct 2018It's time to get ready for Brexit
Its still not too late to get ready for Brexit. There are numerous supports and services available to SMEs right across the island.
6 Sept 20183 reasons why you should consider collaborating to innovate your business
By collaborating with other innovative companies, maybe in your supply chain or locality, you can share ideas, costs and much more...
9 Jul 2018Meet the Buyer - Armagh City Hotel on Wednesday 13th June 2018
A review of a Meet the Buyer event on 13 June 2018
6 Jul 2018How to access €6K/£5K of funding to grow sales
If you want more help with sales, know that you are not alone. Close to 10% of businesses consider it a weak spot.
12 Jun 20189 tips to make your SME more innovative
innovation can occur in any part of a business and ensuring that, as a company, you’re open to identifying opportunities for change and continual development.
10 May 2018North South Collaborative Research Opportunities in Horizon 2020
Since the Horizon 2020 programme commenced in 2014 the track record of North South collaborative applications has been impressive.
10 Apr 2018Looking for Investment for your business? - 5 things to consider…
Every business needs a road map of some sort – usually written down in a business plan. Does your plan attract an investor’s attention?
12 Mar 2018Equity CrowdFunding - a real source of Equity capital for High Growth Start-Ups
As part of its “Succeed in Raising Finance” initiative InterTradeIreland guides and supports several hundred High Growth Potential Start-Up and Early Stage...
19 Feb 2018Brexit - are we nearly there yet?
The short answer to the question of whether we are close to arriving at destination Brexit is no. If Brexit was a race, it’d be a marathon.
8 Jan 2018Could you retain your reputation in a crisis?
One of the most notable corporate crises of 2017 was when airport police forcibly removed a passenger from a United Airlines plane after the traveller...
15 Nov 2017Collaborative research: Advancing science & boosting competitiveness
In this blog, Karen McCallion in her role as Science Technology and innovation Manager outlines InterTradeIreland’s participation in and support of a number...
3 Nov 2017Barbara Collins’ journey with InterTradeIreland
My route into InterTradeIreland consultancy started with storytelling. My background is broadcast journalism in BBC. I spent 16 years in newsrooms where the...
12 Sept 2017The Talent Pipeline
David McComb, one of InterTradeIreland’s Trade consultants, takes us through the importance of people in our business, the value of a talent pipeline and...
4 Jul 2017Cost-effective PR for SMEs
PR isn’t just for big, global firms; it’s for everyone, from micro-companies to international organisations: though, of course, budgets won’t be quite the same.
13 Jun 2017Plan, Act and Engage for a Better Brexit
In this month's blog, Aidan Gough Director of Strategy & Policy outlines the importance of helping SMEs to be Brexit ready.
9 May 20175 Tips for Driving Innovation in SMEs
Businesses that are innovating and doing things differently are three times more likely to grow, says Alan Morrow, Innovation Manager at InterTradeIreland.
11 Apr 201710 apps to streamline your business in 2017
Every business has repetitive tasks and while some are just facts of life, be assured that others can definitely be fully or at least semi-automated.
14 Mar 2017Perfecting your Pitch
Connor Sweeney takes us through the essential tips to perfect your pitch - from preparing well, researching your audience and remembering that in every...
14 Feb 2017Can tenders help small businesses weather the uncertainty of Brexit?
The Prime Minister and the Taoiseach had some reassuring words on cross-border trade for Irish businesses following their talks on Brexit in Dublin.
17 Jan 2017Developing a Culture of Innovation
When you start a new job your colleagues and boss quickly set you right on “how things are done around here” and the “boundaries” within which you need to work.
6 Dec 2016My New Year Resolution - To be good to myself!
As we all know, Christmas can be a time of unlimited patience, generosity, and kindness from those around us, however, if you’re in business you've probably...
8 Nov 2016Why Women Do Mean Business
Last month I hosted our 10th Annual WMB Conference & Awards in the salubrious surrounds of the Shelbourne Hotel in Dublin’s leafy Stephen’s Green.
11 Oct 2016Brexit – Focus on the things YOU can control
The UK’s decision to leave the EU caught a large majority of businesses offside. Whilst uncertainty abounds, there are ways for businesses to navigate the...
13 Sept 2016Marketing on a Shoestring Budget: 10 Top Tips for Small Businesses
Dwayne Stewart discusses why marketing can be done on a shoestring budget and why SMEs don’t have to spend a fortune on Communications activity to get their...
17 Aug 2016There is no such thing as an ‘average’ Business Angel – or is there?
InterTradeIreland has just published a unique all island report into the Business Angel investor market- “Funding for growth: The Business Angels Market on...
5 Jul 2016Looking to raise finance for your business?
Small businesses across the island were adversely affected by the financial crisis of 2008 as the availability of finance contracted and domestic demand shrank.
7 Jun 2016Knowledge Transfer - the key to innovation?
Alan Morrow, Operations Manager at InterTradeIreland discusses why technology or knowledge transfer between academia and industry has never been more relevant.
10 May 2016To Tender or not to Tender – that is the question!
The all-island public procurement market worth £10million/€12.5million represents a huge opportunity for SMEs to win steady business and is a market worth...
11 Apr 20165 tips to help you prepare and get your business plan right
Business plans are dead — or are they? For many entrepreneurs, the business plan is an outmoded document and Start Ups rarely think they need one to get by.
7 Mar 2016A British Exit from European Union - more barriers to overcome?
'A British exit from Europe could mean rowing back on a lot of the positive work and progress that has been achieved over the past number of years on...
1 Feb 20166 steps to help you get on the exporting ladder
One of the biggest challenges currently facing small business owners is dealing with the decrease in demand in their home market.
