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Mc Mahon Engineering Discussion

InterTradeIreland’s award-winning Go-2-Tender programme has been designed to help SMEs across Northern Ireland and Ireland to be more successful in bidding for and servicing public sector contracts. With our one-to-one, sector specific support and guidance, you can begin to take advantage of untapped opportunities in the all-island public procurement market.

Go-2-Tender Programme


Once you've completed a workshop, you become eligible for mentoring support. Select from a list of approved mentors across a wide range of sectors to undertake your approved Go-2-Tender mentoring.

Find out more


  • Practical advice and support to target contracts in the all-island public procurement market
  • An increased success rate in public sector tendering
  • Training tailored to specific sectors/markets
  • Competitive and cost-effective workshops
  • One-to-one, company specific mentoring
  • Provision of a wide range of resources and materials

Am I eligible?

In order to attend one of the workshops, your company must fulfil the following criteria:

  • It must be classified as an SME (per EU definition)
  • It must operate predominantly in the Manufacturing and Tradable Service sectors
  • Senior management must demonstrate commitment to the public tendering market

Sole Traders, Partnerships and Social Enterprises that satisfy the eligibility criteria are welcome to apply.

Am I Eligible for Mentoring?

Ineligible Sectors

Businesses involved in the following sectors are generally not considered eligible for Trade support: Wholesale, retail, distribution, tourism, hospitality, primary agriculture, personal services and professional business services (professional business services are not excluded from Go-2-Tender).

Applications from the sectors above may be considered if the business has developed a unique product, system or process that provides additional value to the core business activity.

Businesses involved in practices associated with gambling, health risks or immoral activity or any other activity that may be negatively perceived and bring the reputation of InterTradeIreland into disrepute will not be supported.

Case Studies

Find out how Go-2-Tender helped these businesses.

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