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Supply Chain & Sourcing

About Supply Chain & Sourcing

InterTradeIreland offer a range of supports to help businesses build supply chain resilience and competitiveness by exploring the potential opportunities which exist on the island of Ireland to shorten supply chains, reduce risk, improve sustainability and competitiveness.

When you think of your supply chain, did you know that InterTradeIreland can help you at various stages along the way? If you are looking to begin your export journey or increase your cross-border exports we can help through our Trade supports.

Rethinking your products and services can be the key to unlocking commercial success. Businesses that are innovating and doing things differently are more likely to expand and grow. We can also help with our Innovation supports.

InterTradeIreland’s Trade Hub provides the latest information to help businesses engage in efficient and effective trade between Ireland, Northern Ireland and GB focusing on customs, VAT, regulation and employment.

We currently are offering support to the food and manufacturing/engineering sector

If your business is in the food sector, please contact Margaret Dineen:

If your business is in the manufacturing/engineering sector, please contact Aidan at MOAT:

For all other enquires, please contact

Click on the sections below to see where we can help and support you at different stages along your supply chain.

  • Have you considered the possibility of near-shoring and re-shoring your supply base? Perhaps sourcing a product or service across the border? Have you considered it as a way of making your supply chain more resilient and sustainable? If so, we have a range of supports to help you:

    • Supply Chain and Sourcing Support: If you’re in the food or engineering/manufacturing industry, our supply chain specialists can:
      • Conduct an on-site, thorough supply chain audit
      • Create a comprehensive supply chain map
      • Suggest ways to enhance resilience
      • Assist with sourcing opportunities

    • Supplier Links: designed to increase SME participation in private and public sector contracts across the island, aims to scale up SMEs exports and sales using opportunity driven events, access to development supports and improved sustainability within supply chains.
  • Rethinking your products and services can be the key to unlocking commercial success. Businesses that are innovating and doing things differently are more likely to expand and grow. We have the following programmes that could help you:

    • Business Explorer: provides support by funding a suitable academic professional or industry specialist to work with an SME to explore innovative solutions to business challenges or innovative techniques to develop an idea further.

    • Innovation Boost: can provide further support by helping to fund a high calibre science, engineering or technology project manager and then partnering you with a third level institution with specific expertise.
  • Have you a customs, VAT or regulation query around using a distributor as part of your supply chain? If so, you can get the answers to your trade questions with InterTradeIreland’s Trade Hub.

  • Get the answers to your trade questions with InterTradeIreland's Trade Hub.

  • InterTradeIreland is helping firms gain the knowledge, skills and capability to access the cross-border market. We support companies to establish and grow exports and reach new customers with our flexible and tailored supports.

    • Trade Export Pathway: Whether your business is getting ready to export or growing exports, let us help you on your journey.

    • Acumen: InterTradeIreland can help fund and recruit a sales professional to identify new opportunities and win new sales.
  • InterTradeIreland has developed extensive knowledge of the cross-border market over the past 25 years through research, collaboration, and case studies, placing it in a strong position to provide valuable insights.

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