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Grow It

Delivered by Women in Business and Network Ireland


Aimed at growth businesses or founders who have a solid business market but are ambitious to take their business to the next level of growth.

Programme Benefits

This growth programme aims to achieve any of the following for participants:

  • New connections North or South
  • Increased turnover or profitability
  • Increased staffing or resources
  • New markets or new revenue streams
  • Strategic analysis and strategic planning
  • A takeaway strategic action plan
  • Increased confidence in all areas of business development
  • Growth mindset
  • Stronger leaders
  • Ambition and vision
  • This programme is for business owners, founders, and directors who are ready to take their business to the next level and are ambitious, passionate and committed to their vision. Suitable for business owners with an interest in developing their market all-Island or building on an existing customer base.

    This programme will add value to businesses who would like to achieve growth through building their team, looking at new export markets, reviewing their branding and marketing, raising external investment, increasing their sales revenue and developing their leadership skills. For business owners who have a solid business and market, but feel that there are elements of their business that they could improve and scale, and would benefit from direction, clarity, structure and focus.

    For businesses located in Ireland, that wish to develop sales into Northern Ireland and rest of the UK, or to build on existing customer base or develop collaborations. For businesses located in Northern Ireland, they may wish to develop sales into Ireland or build on an existing customer base or develop collaborations.

    • Providing the business owner with time and space to work ON the business and not IN the business.
    • An incredible opportunity to build a new network of business owners who are at a similar stage to you and to diversify your network – reaching all sectors and all-island.
    • Insights, tips and advice from specialist facilitators who deliver the masterclasses.
    • Meetings and connections with a group of 29 peers but also 10+ role models from EY (our Champions) and through Women in Business, Network Ireland and InterTradeIreland networks.
    • Learnings from champions and consultants and actionable advice.
    • Personal development throughout the programme and all elements contribute to renewed motivation and vision for you and your business.
    • A new road map for your business.
    • A network of support with like-minded founders/owners that can continue beyond the programme.
    • You must be a woman founder, partner or director in the business.
    • Minimum 2 years trading and beyond the start-up phase.
    • Minimum turnover of £80,000, seeking growth and All-Island connections.
    • You must be or become a member of either Women in Business or Network Ireland.
    • You must complete an application form and this will be scored.
    • Additional eligibility criteria may be applied in order to help with selection if high numbers apply.
  • 2024

    • 9th September: Expressions of Interest open
    • 7th October: Expressions of Interest close
    • 14th October: Applications through Women in Business/Network Ireland close
    • November: One-to-one needs assessment with successful applicants
    • 25-26th November: 2 day residential with 30 participants from North and South focusing on Growth, Strategy and Connections to take place in Killeavy Castle, Newry
    • Tuesday 10th December OR Wed 11th Dec: Full day in person masterclass day on Growth through Branding and Marketing to take place in Belfast (10th) and Dublin (11th)

    January – June 2025 (dates to be confirmed):

    • 3 in person full day masterclasses focusing on growth through selling, finance and leadership. These will be scheduled 3 weeks apart to allow for learning and action. They will take place simultaneously in North and South locations for the local groups of 15 women founders to attend to save on travel time and will be delivered by local specialist trainers.
    • 3 additional in person full day Northern Ireland and Ireland groups will take place intermittently and will be for all 30 participants. These will focus on strategic planning, growth mindset, scaling and connections. They will be a mixture of delivery by expert facilitators, role model entrepreneur speakers, groups masterminds and 121 meetings. There will be a focus on fostering North-South connections. Locations to be confirmed.
    • 2 online meetings for all 30 participants for connecting and supporting each other.
    • 1 in person full day alumni event in June 2025 for participants to meet with previous programme participants and women founders.
    • 5 hours of one-to-one consultancy support with a growth or specialist consultant. Matching in February. Consultancy March-May.
    • 3 online peer group meetings with champions. Working in small groups of 2-4 participants you will be allocated an experienced entrepreneur to brainstorm, plan and goal set. Currently scheduled April – June.
  • Programme elements

    • All-Island two day residential at Killeavy Castle, Newry.
    • 3 in-person all-island events focusing on strategy and growth, mastermind group meetings to include full day/evening networking and optional overnight at own cost.
    • 4 in person specialist masterclasses “Learn-Think-Apply”, facilitated by external consultants and delivered in each region to save travel time. Subjects will be marketing, selling, finance and leadership.
    • 3x individual growth action planning sessions with a growth consultant or specialist.
    • 3x online mastermind sessions in small mixed groups of 4 participants from the Northern Ireland and Ireland led by Champion Entrepreneurs through the EY Entrepreneur of the Year Programme.
    • Online forum and weekly chat.
    • 2 online All-Island online Mastermind sessions.
    • Invitation to All-Island Alumni event to bring 60 women together from Northern Ireland and Ireland for a day of connections and meetings.
    • 15 places for women founders/owners from Northern Ireland.
    • 15 places for women founders/owners from Ireland.

    Please note: InterTradeIreland are not part of the selection process, Women in Business and Network Ireland will allocate places based on their criteria.

  • You must become a member of Women in Business NI or Network Ireland to participate in the programme. Membership fees are annual and must be paid for a minimum of 1 year. Rates are on the relevant websites. You do not have to pay the membership fee until a place has been confirmed.

  • Expressions of Interest will close on Monday 7th October at 1pm.

If you are interested in this programme please complete the Expression of Interest form
Once we’ve received your Expression of Interest, our delivery partner will be in touch with more details on how to apply.

Women Entrepreneurship Programmes

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