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Trade Missions @ Home - Eligibility Criteria

Food and Beverage

Trade Mission @ Home is open to small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), including social enterprises, who are based in Northern Ireland and operate in the food and beverage sector.

SMEs with limited or no experience in cross-border trade are particularly encouraged to apply and a lack of experience will not negatively impact an application.

To be eligible, you must:

  • Be an SME or social enterprise with fewer than 250 staff.
  • Have a minimum annual turnover of £100,000 and not exceeding £40 million per annum (or Euro Equivalent).
  • Have a minimum of 12 months trading history.
  • Be actively engaged in the manufacturing or tradable services spaces within the food & beverage industry in Northern Ireland.

Please note that:

  • Please note that securing a place on the Trade Missions @ Home programme will be a competitive process and places are limited. Consequently, satisfaction of the eligibility criteria for the programme does not guarantee that an application will be successful.
  • Businesses must be able to demonstrate a product or service offering with a high probability of sales success in the cross-border market. We will hold interviews which will include an assessment of your business’ export-readiness and product offering.
  • Food & Beverage businesses must be an indigenous business based in Northern Ireland.
  • By tradable services, InterTradeIreland requires the business service to be delivered in the cross-border market, and not just to attract customers from the cross-border market to their service business in the home market (see list below of ineligible sectors).
  • Please note that successful applicants will be asked to contribute £250 / €300 towards the programme’s operating costs. By applying, you agree to make this contribution if selected. For successful social enterprises, InterTradeIreland may waive this contribution at its sole discretion.


Trade Mission @ Home is open to small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), including social enterprises, who are based in Ireland, and who operate in the agri-tech/manufacturing sector.

SMEs with limited or no experience in cross-border trade are particularly encouraged to apply and a lack of experience will not negatively impact an application.

To be eligible, you must:

  • Be an SME or social enterprise with fewer than 250 staff.
  • Have a minimum annual turnover of £100,000 and not exceeding £40 million per annum (or Euro Equivalent).
  • Have a minimum of 12 months trading history.
  • Be active in the manufacturing or tradable services spaces within the agri-tech/manufacturing sector in Ireland.

Please note that:

  • Please note that securing a place on the Trade Missions @ Home programme will be a competitive process and places are limited. Consequently, satisfaction of the eligibility criteria for the programme does not guarantee that an application will be successful.
  • Businesses must be able to demonstrate a product or service offering with a high probability of sales success in the cross-border market. We will hold interviews which will include an assessment of your business’ export-readiness and product offering.
  • Agri-tech/manufacturing businesses must be an indigenous business or social enterprise based in Ireland.
  • By tradable services, InterTradeIreland requires the business service to be delivered in the cross-border market, and not just to attract customers from the cross-border market to their service business in the home market (see list below of ineligible sectors).
  • Please note that successful applicants will be asked to contribute £250 / €300 towards the programme’s operating costs. By applying, you agree to make this contribution if selected. For successful social enterprises, InterTradeIreland may waive this contribution at its sole discretion.

Ineligible Sectors

Businesses involved in the following sectors are generally not considered eligible for Trade support: wholesale, retail, distribution, tourism, hospitality, primary agriculture, personal services and professional business services.

Businesses involved in practices associated with gambling, health risks or immoral activity or any other activity that may be negatively perceived and bring the reputation of InterTradeIreland into disrepute will not be supported.

Please note: The funding for this programme is provided under the European Commission Regulation on De Minimis Aid or if applicable in accordance with Minimal Financial Assistance as detailed in the UK Subsidy Control Bill. The business must provide InterTradeIreland with details of all other De Minimis aid received in the last 3 years and if applicable the amounts of any subsidies received under Article 364(4) Minimal Financial Assistance of the subsidy control chapter of the TCA in the current and last 2 fiscal years. It should be noted that a false declaration by a business resulting in the De Minimis threshold of €300,000 being exceeded (or £315,000 in the case of Minimal Financial Assistance) could later give rise to the aid being recovered with interest. Please note, reduced De Minimis thresholds are in place for certain sectors. Companies are responsible for checking the De Minimis threshold for their sector and ensuring same is not exceeded.

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