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Funding & Support

There are two funding options available under the Acumen programme. The Acumen team will work closely with you to help you decide which option is most suitable for your business needs.

Full-time Sales Support

Acumen offers a valuable contribution towards the cost of a Full-time Sales resource, for a 12 month period, up to a maximum of €21,562/£17,250.

A Full-time sales resource must be an individual directly employed by the business and not a contractual representative. They can reside within the same or opposite jurisdiction to your business, whatever option works best for your business.

Part-time Sales Support

Acumen offers a valuable contribution towards the cost of a Part-time Sales resource, for a 6-12 month period, up to a maximum of €11,500/£9,200.

A Part-time sales resource can be an individual directly employed by the business or alternatively a contractual representative e.g. experienced sales agent, consultant or a lead generation company. They can reside within the same or opposite jurisdiction to your business, whatever option works best for your business.

Note: If using the services of lead generation company, there must be just one nominated individual supporting your business during the project.

Additional Funding and Support

  • Businesses which satisfy the basic eligibility criteria for the programme but have identified a clear gap in their cross-border market research, can also benefit from additional support prior to submitting a full Acumen application. This support, which is 100% funded by ITI, will look at issues such as the size of the market, pricing, routes to market, competitor analysis etc. The exact nature of the support required by your business at this stage (if applicable) will be explored further through the Export Diagnostic assessment (refer to how to apply)

  • When a business is approved for Acumen funding, additional practical support can also be provided to help with the recruitment process including the following:

    • Development of the marketing collateral required for a successful recruitment campaign including job description, personal specification, job adverts and remuneration package.
    • Advice and guidance on the shortlisting and interview process.
    • Post recruitment sales training to establish a 12 month sales plan and targets for the duration of the programme.
  • Sales Support workshops are designed to support companies during their Acumen project and provide a networking opportunity to meet and connect with other programme participants. The workshops provide information and practical ways to assist individuals involved in cross-border sales to expand their knowledge and skills.

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