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Eligibility tick box

Am I eligible?

To be eligible for Thrive - SME Innovation Programme support, businesses must:

  • A small or medium-sized enterprise (SME) with 5 – 249 full time employee
  • An SME which is a manufacturing or tradable services company, located on the island of Ireland (North or South)
  • Have a turnover of more than £50,000 and less than £40m (or euro equivalent)
  • Have a minimum of 12 months trading history
  • An SME which can demonstrate the drive for innovation capability/maturity and an aspiration/ambition to grow organically

Please Note:

The program requires a six-month commitment to attend five in-person study days by the MD/CEO, who may be accompanied by another member of the leadership team. These study days will be delivered regionally at either University College Cork, University of Galway, TU Dublin, or Queen’s University Belfast (the regional partner depends on the business location). Following these in-person study days, there will be a follow-up review with each MD/CEO. As part of the process, an innovation audit will also be completed for the benefit of the business.

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